Gogi – Bootstrap 4 Admin & Dashboard Template

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It is fully responsive, built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS3 and SCSS. It has a large UI collection. Developed with the latest jQuery plugins. You can easily use it in your projects with different dashboard options. You can interact with customers faster with web applications. It is very easy to use.

Bootstrap 4
Multi purpose
SCSS supported
Easily customizable
Useful plugins
Authentication pages
4+ icons sets
80+ pages
Vertical layout
Horizontal layout
Google fonts
Fully responsive design
Clean and intuitive design
Well commented & quality Code
W3C validated

9 reviews for Gogi – Bootstrap 4 Admin & Dashboard Template


Average of 9 reviews

  1. Rhett Onan (verified owner)

    Good service.

    1 product
  2. Farah Feagins (verified owner)

    Thank you again OrderCode, I only ever come here for your up to date selection, you always have everything I need! There is nothing worse than buying some software to find out its not quite what you thought, or it conflicts with something else, I really enjoy using this place to find what works the best before I buy it!

    1 product
  3. Rhett Onan (verified owner)

    OrderCode is the main source where I buy plugins. Their variety of product is big and the customer service is excellent. It’s the best place to find good stuff.

    1 product
  4. Jeniffer Lippert (verified owner)

    No words to express my gratitude to the OrderCode team. The helped me to find a way out of quite a bad situation with my website. The icing on the cake is that they’ve spent their time and charge no fee for that. As a result, I’ve got my website fixed for free and in very fast. I wish your project success in every step of its way!

    1 product
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